Monday, February 15, 2010

How Do We Handle Childcare?

This is a question for many of our Small Groups. What do we do with our kids? Here are some possible solutions:

1. Recruit someone to do children's ministry while your group is meeting.

2. Hire a babysitter. Have each member pitch in. NOTE: Be generous to your sitter. You want them back. If you cheat them, word will spread! The rule of thumb among small groups has been at least $5 per family.

3. Allow older children to supervise younger children with adults checking in.

4. Have group members trade off in watching the children.

The options above could call for the children to meet at a different location from the group. Brookwood currently has one group with 24 adults and 26 children meeting in one home! It's possible folks!

5. Allow the children to take part in the group. Offer topics and activities where everyone can participate.

6. Have each member arrange for their own childcare.

7. Trade off childcare with another group that meets on a different night.

NOTE: The harder it is for new members to arrange childcare, the less likely they will join.

The Bible tells us that God will meet all of our needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus. Pray that God will provide the right childcare solution for your group. He won't let you down!

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